
De reuen op deze pagina voldoen aan de eisen van het verenigingsfokreglement.

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  • Zazu the Fifth Element

    Geboren: 14-02-2020
    Stamboom Zazu the Fifth Element
    HD A, Hart 0, Spondylose 0
    DNA profiel aanwezig
    Zazu is een jonge en heeft het allemaal gezond, geweldig karakter, prachtig om te zien en een super mooie stamboom en afgelopen jaar WINNAAR van de gebruikshondenklasse op de ATIBOX met slechts 18 maanden.
    Contact: Inge Polman
  • Stack offers a clean and contemporary to suit a range of purposes from corporate, tech startup, marketing site to digital storefront. Elements have been designed to showcase content in a diverse yet consistent manner.

    Multiple font and colour scheme options mean that dramatically altering the look of your site is just clicks away — Customizing your site in the included Variant Page Builder makes experimenting with styles and content arrangements dead simple.

  • TommusRhodus is an elite author known for offering high-quality, high-value products backed by timely and personable support. Recognised and awarded by Envato on multiple occasions for producing consistently outstanding products, it's no wonder over 40,000 customers enjoy using TommusRhodus themes.

  • Intense's Ironman
    Geboren: 10-11-2017
    Stamboom Intense's Ironman
    HD A - Hart 0 - Jeugdspondylose 0 -Spondylose 0 -FGK-


    ZTP - IGP1


    Fam. I. Rusticus
  • TommusRhodus is an elite author known for offering high-quality, high-value products backed by timely and personable support. Recognised and awarded by Envato on multiple occasions for producing consistently outstanding products, it's no wonder over 40,000 customers enjoy using TommusRhodus themes.

  • Italia2-min
  • Land of Freedoms Most Wanted

    geboren: 20-04-2020
    Stamboom Land of Freedoms Most Wanted

    DNA profiel aanwezig

    HD A - Hart 0 - JeugdSpondylose 0

    FGK (10-07-2021)

    Most Wanted is een middelgrote gele reu met veel energie


    Desiree van Wijngaarden

    tel: 06-53611674 en/of email


  • Nathan van het Valtherboszicht

    Geboren 06-05-2018
    Stamboom Nathan van het Valtherboszicht

    HD A - Hart 0 - Jeugd Spondylose 0 - Spondylose 0
    FGK - ZTP - UV

    Nederlands Jeugd Kampioen, Nederlands Kampioen en Jeugd Jaarwinnaar 2019

    Nathan is een vriendelijke eerlijk reu die graag voor je wil werken


  • Geboren

    Stamboom Nathan van het Valtherboszicht

    HD A - Hart 0 - Jeugd Spondylose 0


    Nathan is een vriendelijke eerlijke reu die graag voor je wil werken

    Informatie en contact:

  • Gijs Oet Pleegste

    Geboren: 28-06-2016
    Stamboom Gijs Oet Pleegste
    HD A - Hart 0 - Spondylose 0
    Gijs is een lieve Boxer met een goed werkkarakter, Hij heeft ervaring als dekreu en heeft inmiddels voor meerdere mooie en gezonde nakomelingen gezorgd.
    Dhr. D. Wiggers
    Tel: 06-30308900 E-mail:
  • Stack offers a clean and contemporary to suit a range of purposes from corporate, tech startup, marketing site to digital storefront. Elements have been designed to showcase content in a diverse yet consistent manner.

    Multiple font and colour scheme options mean that dramatically altering the look of your site is just clicks away — Customizing your site in the included Variant Page Builder makes experimenting with styles and content arrangements dead simple.

  • TommusRhodus is an elite author known for offering high-quality, high-value products backed by timely and personable support. Recognised and awarded by Envato on multiple occasions for producing consistently outstanding products, it's no wonder over 40,000 customers enjoy using TommusRhodus themes.

  • Gijs
  • Sancho Xanthor van Jakribox

    Geboren: 08-10-2018

    Stamboom Sancho Xanthor van Jakribox

    DNA profiel aanwezig

    HD A - Hart 0 - Spondylose 0 - FGK

    Beer is een reu met een zeer stabiel karakter en veel drive om te werken. Daarnaast is het een geweldige lieve hond in ons gezin.

    M. Jansen
  • Stack offers a clean and contemporary to suit a range of purposes from corporate, tech startup, marketing site to digital storefront. Elements have been designed to showcase content in a diverse yet consistent manner.

    Multiple font and colour scheme options mean that dramatically altering the look of your site is just clicks away — Customizing your site in the included Variant Page Builder makes experimenting with styles and content arrangements dead simple.

  • TommusRhodus is an elite author known for offering high-quality, high-value products backed by timely and personable support. Recognised and awarded by Envato on multiple occasions for producing consistently outstanding products, it's no wonder over 40,000 customers enjoy using TommusRhodus themes.

  • Ti Amo Vavonabox

    Geboren: 05-09-2017
    Stamboom Ti Amo Vavonabox

    HD A - Hart 0 - Spondylose 0
    Showresultaten: BOB Bundessieger 2018

    Ti Amo is een vriendelijke goudgestroomde reu



    R. Bos

    tel: 06-30041014



  • Stack offers a clean and contemporary to suit a range of purposes from corporate, tech startup, marketing site to digital storefront. Elements have been designed to showcase content in a diverse yet consistent manner.

    Multiple font and colour scheme options mean that dramatically altering the look of your site is just clicks away — Customizing your site in the included Variant Page Builder makes experimenting with styles and content arrangements dead simple.

  • Winston de Vrijstad


    Geboortedatum: 23-03-2020

    Stamboom Winston

    HD A - Hart 0 - Spondylose 0

    Winston is een lieve aanhankelijke reu

    Contact: F. Slinkman
  • Stack offers a clean and contemporary to suit a range of purposes from corporate, tech startup, marketing site to digital storefront. Elements have been designed to showcase content in a diverse yet consistent manner.

    Multiple font and colour scheme options mean that dramatically altering the look of your site is just clicks away — Customizing your site in the included Variant Page Builder makes experimenting with styles and content arrangements dead simple.

  • TommusRhodus is an elite author known for offering high-quality, high-value products backed by timely and personable support. Recognised and awarded by Envato on multiple occasions for producing consistently outstanding products, it's no wonder over 40,000 customers enjoy using TommusRhodus themes.

  • Topper Joep Vavonabox



    Gezondheidsuitslagen: HD A Hart 0 Spondylose 0

    Topper Joep Vavonabox is een fokzuivere donker gestroomde reu met een vriendelijk karakter.

    Contact: J.R. Venerius

  • TommusRhodus is an elite author known for offering high-quality, high-value products backed by timely and personable support. Recognised and awarded by Envato on multiple occasions for producing consistently outstanding products, it's no wonder over 40,000 customers enjoy using TommusRhodus themes.

  • Ferry Turbo Vavonabox

    Geboren: 01-09-2020

    Stamboom Ferry Turbo Vavonabox

    Gezondheidsuitslagen: HD A - Hart 0 - Spondylose 0

    gestroomde krachtig,bespierde, temperamentvolle doch vriendelijke reu .Titels: VDH Champion,Ned.Jeugdkampioen,NederlandsKampioen


    Familie H. Bos
  • Stack offers a clean and contemporary to suit a range of purposes from corporate, tech startup, marketing site to digital storefront. Elements have been designed to showcase content in a diverse yet consistent manner.

    Multiple font and colour scheme options mean that dramatically altering the look of your site is just clicks away — Customizing your site in the included Variant Page Builder makes experimenting with styles and content arrangements dead simple.

  • TommusRhodus is an elite author known for offering high-quality, high-value products backed by timely and personable support. Recognised and awarded by Envato on multiple occasions for producing consistently outstanding products, it's no wonder over 40,000 customers enjoy using TommusRhodus themes.